Pollinator Resources


PolliNation Podcast

USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab images

Oregon Bee Project

Oregon Bee Project

Oregon Bee Project Strategic Plan

Planting for Pollinators/Habitat

Enhancing Urban and Suburban Landscapes to Protect Pollinators

Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden Using Native Plants

Native Plants for Willamette Valley Yards

Native Pollinator Plants for Southern Oregon

The Meadowscaping Handbook

Pollinator Gardens and Habitat Program

Plants for Pollinators in Oregon

Plants for Pollinators in the Inland Northwest

Pollinator Conservation Resources – Pacific Northwest Region

Cover Cropping for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects

Resource Guide for Honey Bee Forage Crops

Selecting Plants for Pollinators: Cascade Mixed Forest, Coniferous Forest, Alpine Meadow Province

Selecting Plants for Pollinators: Pacific Lowland, Mixed Forest Province

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center: Special Value to Honey Bees

Streamlined Bee Monitoring

More . . .

As Bee Populations Decline, Can Technology Help Fill the Gap?

Suggestions from Bee Informed Partnership

Honey Bee Pathogens:

Why Bees Are Disappearing:

Common Natural Enemies of Crop and Garden Pests