Newsletter Subscriptions and Advertising


The Bee Line is the official publication of the Oregon State Beekeepers Association. Subscriptions are included as part of benefits of OSBA membership. Typically, publication includes ten issues in a given year; November and December are a combined issue as are January and February. The current issue may be found HERE; check out The Bee Line Archive for past issues. Several past issues of The Bee Line are available on this page for reference.



Contributions to The Bee Line are welcome! Please send news, stories, interviews, events, and other materials, along with ads, by the 20th of the month prior to publication to:

Editor, The Bee Line



If you are interested in advertising in an upcoming issue of the newsletter, please contact the newsletter editor with any questions or concerns. Ad sizes and costs are as follows:


The Bee Line
Advertising Rates

Size of Ad  
Rate per Issue
Business card size   $ 10.00
Quarter page   $ 25.00
Half page   $ 50.00
Full page   $100.00
Classified Ads (30 words, per issue)    
Members   $   3.00
Nonmembers   $   5.00
Events (depending on available space)    
Members   Free
Nonmembers   Free

Please note again that materials are due by the 20th of the month prior to publication!


Sample Past Issues

October 2018

November-December 2018

January-February 2019

March 2019