Panel: Raising Queens and How They Fit into Beekeeper Operations

This panel discussion, led by moderator Andony Melathopoulos, considers how raising our own queens impacts beekeeping operations, whether you are a commercial, sideliner, or hobbyist beekeeper. Panelists will discuss methods used and goals, what works and what doesn’t work. The audience is encouraged to ask questions of the panelists through the moderator.  

Todd Balsiger says he is “supposed to be” a sideline beekeeper. But raising one’s own queens can quickly stretch the sideliner notion. His little outfit has grown to about 260 hives. Todd began raising queens really out of necessity so that he could have queens when he wanted them. The last few years he’s gotten a lot of inspiration from fellow beekeeper and OSBA Vice President Joe Maresh. He has luckily been able to send his bees to almonds the last 3 years. Todd lives in Forest Grove with his wife Heide. His son Ken is very close to finishing school at Oregon State University (CE).  Other activities that he enjoys are bicycling (electric bike), skiing (downhill), and fishing (salmon mostly).