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Oregon State Beekeepers Association

Supporting Bees and Beekeeping Since 1921

Our Affiliate Associations - Find one near you!

Central Coast Beekeepers Association

Meets 1:30 pm, fourth Wednesday, Newport

Central Oregon Beekeepers Association

Meets 6:00 pm, third Tuesday, Bend

Columbia County Oregon Beekeepers

Meets 6:00 pm, first Thursday, St. Helens


Columbia Gorge Beekeepers Association

Meets 6:15 pm, third Wednesday, Hood River

Coos Beekeepers Association

3rd Thursday of the month, 1:30 p.m. at the OSU Extension office, 1211 SE Bay Blvd, Newport, OR.

Coos Beekeepers Facebook Group

Klamath Basin Beekeepers Association

Meets 9:00 am, last Saturday, Klamath Falls

Lane County Beekeepers Association

Meets 6:30 pm, third Tuesday, Eugene

Linn Benton Beekeepers Association

Meets 6:30 pm, third Wednesday, Corvallis


Oregon South Coast Beekeepers Association

Meets 6:00 pm, third Thursday, Gold Beach

Portland Metro Beekeepers Association

Meets 7:00 pm, second Thursday, Happy Valley

Portland Urban Beekeepers

Meets 7:00 pm, first Wednesday, Portland

Southern Oregon Beekeepers Association

Meets 6:30 pm, first Monday, Central Point

Tillamook Beekeepers Association

Meets 12:30 pm, second Saturday, Tillamook

Tualatin Valley Beekeepers Association

Meets 6:00 pm, last Tuesday, North Plains

Umpqua Valley Beekeepers Association

Meets 6:00 pm, first Wednesday, Roseburg

Wallowa County Beekeepers Association

Meets 6:30 pm, last W (F,A,J,A); first W (N), Enterprise

Wallowa Beekeepers Facebook Group

Willamette Valley Beekeepers Association

Meets 7:00 pm, fourth Monday, Salem

The Oregon State Beekeepers Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the well-being of honey bees and to the fields of beekeeping, apiculture, research, and education. The association is organized exclusively for charitable, education, and/or scientific purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our stated purpose is to unite the beekeepers of Oregon in an effort to improve beekeeping in the state.
The Oregon State Beekeepers Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of honey bees and to the fields of beekeeping, apiculture, research, and education. Members of the OSBA are a diverse group of individuals who share a fascination for the honey bee and its workings. We range from full-time beekeepers and pollinators with thousands of hives to hobbyists involved in back-yard beekeeping.

Oregon State Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Copyright 2024.

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