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Join/Renew OSBA Membership


The Oregon State Beekeepers Association is a nonprofit organization representing and supporting all who have an interest in honey bees and beekeeping. Annual membership is open to anyone with an interest in bees and beekeeping. You do not need to own bees or reside in Oregon to join. Membership includes the ongoing work of the organization on behalf of the honey bee and beekeeping, a vote in OSBA elections, discounts on publications, placement on the swarm call list, several free classified ads per year, a subscription to The Bee Line, and an annual directory.

Reminder: On check out, in addition to entering your mailing address, please be sure to provide additional information requested, including e-mail and phone number for contact. In addition, in the “notes” section provided, please indicate which information is to be shared in the directory that is produced in print only and mailed to members only. Options are: mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, all, none, Please also note whether you prefer to received the newsletter in digital or print (if digital, you can print it).

Thank you!