Comparison of Varroa Mite Testing Methods: Alcohol Wash, Powdered Sugar Shake and Carbon Dioxide

As a beekeeper, one of the most important skills to learn is the management of Varroa destructor. Central to this is the knowledge of the mite load in ones colonies. The ability to accurately and easily monitor the mite levels is crucial. Currently the two most accepted methods are the alcohol wash/soap bath and the powdered sugar shake. In this talk we will review a study that compared these two methods in addition to a less commonly used one, carbon dioxide. We will compare efficacy, easy of use, advantages, disadvantages, and cost of the three methods. 



Paul Stromberg is a hobbyist beekeeper who began his beekeeping journey as a 12 year old and kept bees into his early 20s. He took a 15-year break and has been beekeeping ever since. He is currently the President of the Portland Metro Beekeeping Association. In September of 2021 he received his Master Level Certification from the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program. He has particular interest in queen rearing and nucleus colony management. He has given multiple talks to local bee clubs on these topics and has put on queen rearing classes. He is an avid gardener and has spent the last 2 years (i.e., COVID project) converting his yard into a large pollinator garden.