Promoting a Sweet Industry through the American Honey Queen Program and ABF

2020 American Honey Queen Mary Reisinger of Texas has promoted the honey and beekeeping industry this year in many new ways. She will touch on the American Honey Queen Program, how association members can participate in and utilize it, what her year thus has entailed, and the ABF and benefits of membership from the backyard or rooftop beekeeper to the commercial beekeeper. In addition, she will share details on how to effectively reach the public to promote the honey and beekeeping industry through the American Honey Queen Program. 




Mary Reisinger is the 20-year-old daughter of Peter and Stephanie Reisinger of Parker, Texas.  She is a senior at the University of Texas at Dallas studying speech-language pathology. Mary is an active volunteer in the Collin County Beekeepers Association and currently tends to six hives. As the 2020 American Honey Queen, Mary serves as a national spokesperson on behalf of the American Beekeeping Federation, a trade organization representing beekeepers and honey producers throughout the United States.