The Symbiotic Relationship Between the Commercial and the Hobby Beekeeping Industry

Panel: Andony Melathopoulos, Moderator, with Max Kuhn, Jeremy Mitchell, Jason Rowan, Linda Zahl

The purpose of the panel is to discuss how hobby beekeeping and commercial beekeeping are reliant on each other. The audience will be encouraged to ask questions in writing through the moderator. Note cards will be available on the tables to write questions.



Linda Zahl notes that backyard beekeeping became an obsessive hobby starting 13 years ago when a swarm landed in her front yard. The extension office set her up with a local person who told her that he would help only if she became a beekeeper. So, she became a beekeeper! Today she keeps about twenty colonies and sells a few of her surplus nucs. She almost finished the Journey level in the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program and each year mentors Apprentice-level students. Currently, she is president of the Columbia County Oregon Beekeepers Association.