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Oregon State Beekeepers Association

Supporting Bees and Beekeeping Since 1921

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Join OSBA today!

Members of the Oregon State Beekeepers Association support the organization's ongoing work in providing resources and education for those concerned with bees and other pollinators throughout the region. This involves, among other things, OSBA’s efforts as listed here.

  • Work with the Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Legislature to protect pollinators and support beekeeping throughout the state
  • Participation in local initiatives in support of beekeeping practice
  • A fall conference that helps beekeepers stay up to date as well as improve beekeeping practice
  • A newsletter with current news and events, available digitally, 5 times per year
  • A website that serves as a resource for members as well as others interested in honey bees and beekeeping practice
  • An annual membership directory to support communication among beekeepers and others with interest in pollinators throughout the region
  • A swarm call list of members interested in collecting swarms
  • Connection to swarm call lists submitted by affiliation associations as a service to the public
  • Classified ads for members as well as the public, both in its newsletter and online
  • Member access to presenters and topics for meetings and events
  • Support of the OSU Honey Bee Lab and research generally by raising money through research fund solicitations, annual auctions, and matching donations
  • Support and affiliation with the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program and the American Beekeeping Federation
  • A booth at the Oregon State Fair to increase understanding of the role of pollinators for all engaged
  • Liability insurance for designated events and promotional activities of affiliated associations throughout the state

To join, fill out the membership form below:

Regular membership - $40.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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The Oregon State Beekeepers Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the well-being of honey bees and to the fields of beekeeping, apiculture, research, and education. The association is organized exclusively for charitable, education, and/or scientific purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our stated purpose is to unite the beekeepers of Oregon in an effort to improve beekeeping in the state.

Become a member

The Oregon State Beekeepers Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being of honey bees and to the fields of beekeeping, apiculture, research, and education. Members of the OSBA are a diverse group of individuals who share a fascination for the honey bee and its workings. We range from full-time beekeepers and pollinators with thousands of hives to hobbyists involved in back-yard beekeeping.

Grow in Beekeeping

Oregon State Beekeepers Association  is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.  Copyright 2024.

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