Take the 2023-2024 US Beekeeping Survey  —   https://orsba.org/2024-beekeeping-survey/    Ends May 31st


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Bees in the News

Contribute to OSU Study of Plant Nutrition!

A new grant will allow Oregon State University researchers to study the nutritional value of more than 100 bee-pollinated crops, native plants and commonly used ornamental plants, a project that could help scientists better understand the global decline of bee populations. Certain plants attract bees more than others, but whether those flowers contain the optimal nutrition needed for the insects has yet to be determined. The grant will allow researchers in the Honey Bee Lab . . .

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Message from the President

Hello OSBA members,
It appears that winter is slowly loosening its grip on us, just be careful. This is when hives can starve because the bees are starting to build up and then the weather turns and the bees run out of resources. Most of my commercial beekeeping friends are back home from placing bees in almonds waiting to see what the almond bloom brings before they go back to California and make splits and prepare to bring bees home.

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This Month in the Apiary

Keeping Bees in May

For New Packages and Nucs

Keep feeding!! The bees need sugar syrup to build comb. Continue feeding until all the frames are drawn or until they stop taking syrup. When seven of ten frames are drawn into comb, you can add a second box. When 70% of these frames are drawn, add another...and so on....

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